
Happy Blogday!

A year ago today, I started this blog so I would have a place to vent my excitement about happenings in the science world. It's been a fun trip so far--I've learned how relativity affects your body, faced off with climate change deniers, debunked Shape-Ups, and found out why eating dirt might prevent depression. Every day brings fresh science news to my inbox, which means new stories to share and titles to pun. (I really am sorry about the puns. I work in children's publishing; it's hard to turn off.)

If you want to get me a birthday gift, you could add yourself to this blog's list of followers so my eight friends down there in the corner don't look so lonely. Or use the email button to share an Inkfish story with a friend. Comments and tips are always welcome, too.

Meanwhile, I got you a little something: Four of my favorite inkfish-related videos. Thank you for reading!


At the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico (before the oil), a camera at a Shell oil-drilling site captured this alarming visitor. It's a Magnapinna squid, observing the drilling equipment with a posture that's hard not to imagine as menacing. 

It's said that an octopus can squeeze through any hole bigger than its eyeball. You can almost hear this one go Mmmrff! 

Cuttlefish are masters of disguise, for real. At the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, researcher Roger Hanlon shows off some pretty impressive cuttlefish tricks. The best part is when one cuttlefish holds out its tentacles in a valiant, but unsuccessful, effort to imitate a striped background.

This video is also from Roger Hanlon. Can you spot the octopus before it sees you? That's a trick question because I know you can't.

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